I lost my College Diploma

It was the last day at the college hostel and I had just finished packing. Suddenly all my friends came in to my room and we headed for a small party for the last time together. It was so overwhelming to see everyone for the last time together since all of us had big plans for future in different countries. The party was fun but then suddenly I realized that I had forgotten to put my college diploma in my suitcase.

I rushed back to my room before I could think of something else. My suitcase was there on the bed but my diploma was no where to be seen. I had last kept in on the table beside my bed. I called my room mate and asked her if she had seen it. But it was of no use. She had no idea. Now it was clear that I had lost my college diploma!

I rushed to college principle’s office so that he could help me. But he said that we give out diplomas only once and he couldn’t award me a new one again. But he did give me a duplicate copy of my diploma from the office records. Well that was a relief since I had to submit only the duplicate certificates on the companies where I would work.

But I knew that I had to arrange for a near original certificate since that would be needed for verification at least once. Now that my principal couldn’t help me I was confused. While coming out of his office the peon saw the confusion and fear on my face. He offered some help. I wondered how he, a simple peon, can help me out! Is he some con-artist in disguise?

Well evidently he was! He was a ‘go to’ man for several students but I got to know that on the last day of college! He knew a man who could fix me a diploma that looked just like the original one. He took a $550 from me and told me to come after 5 hours. When I demanded to go with him, he outright refused. Well I was taken a back but what could I do except trusting him! So I handed him the money.

While killing the time in the process I happened to come across several sites on the internet that offered the same certificates and diplomas for half the money I paid. I was raged but then sense prevailed when my room mate said that these sites are not trust worthy and do not give money back guarantee if the diploma has some defect.

For the first time I got to know about the sites, diploma mills and fake institutes that offer fake diplomas for little money. Luckily I have experience and proper education for the degree for I have earned. I have also spent time on job and have earned my skills rightfully. So a fake certificate shouldn’t cause much of a problem for me but I pity those who buy them in return of money when they have absolutely no knowledge of the course.

Luckily in the thought process the time passed and the peon came with my certificate. It was identical to the original certificate. To my amazement I could spot a single defect or a difference. Well my work was done and I thanked him. I hope I never have to do this again and someone may just find my original certificate and give it to me! Fingers crossed!